Social engagement is a key component of our corporate culture. We believe our success and growth in recent years are both a reason for and an obligation to accept social responsibility.
For this reason, we have been holding our event “Business meets Charity” for several years now.
Applying our philosophy, we support an eligible project or association each year, in cooperation with our employees, clients, and business partners.
These have included, for example…
Cargo Human Care e.V. (CHC), which has set up a humanitarian and medical aid project in Kenya which is supervised by Lufthansa Cargo employees in cooperation with doctors from all over Germany,
the Leppermühle near Giessen, which is committed to helping children, teenagers and young adults with mental health issues,
KGF Knochenmarktransplantation/Gentherapie Frankfurt a.M. e.V., which has joined forces with representatives from medicine and business with the aim of promoting bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy,
the Diakonische Flüchtlingshilfe Main-Kinzig-Kreis (Diaconal Refugee Aid Main-Kinzig District), which has set itself the task of supporting people seeking refuge in our country for a multitude of reasons,
the Physikalischer Verein, which urgently needs funds for the renovation and modernisation of the Frankfurt Observatory,
Housing! for Future, a non-profit company that promotes housing projects to achieve a dignified standard of living in Namibia.
The success of “Business meets Charity” to date has encouraged us to continue holding this event in years to come.
Furthermore, we support our employees’ voluntary work via 'INDUSTRIA hilft!'.
With this donation program, we encourage all those taking on responsibility and dedicating themselves to helping others. Doing good and supporting other people, whether in the local football club, in kindergartens or schools, or in religious associations or charities. We foster this social engagement by sponsoring those organisations that our employees are active in.
Achieving more together!