As an asset class, real estate is not as volatile as other forms of investment. However, this does not mean that real estate will automatically remain valuable and lucrative in the long term. Sustainable profitability requires a long-term outlook. INDUSTRIA’s property management experts offer a comprehensive array of services for institutional investors, family offices or homeowners’ associations, giving our customers full confidence that their real estate will retain its value.
Our property management services are based on INDUSTRIA’s many years of experience as a professional real estate manager – we have been a successful player in the market for 70 years and currently manage more than 21,800 properties across Germany.
On behalf of our customers, we take on operative and organisational management of the property on a fiduciary basis. To keep the real estate profitable in the long term, we apply suitable property strategies and the entire range of commercial and technical property management tools.
We provide all the service areas that play a key role in boosting the value of real estate. Our customers can choose between the overall package, a set of individual solutions matched to their needs or individual measures.
These targeted measures allow us to achieve an optimum ratio between earnings and expenditure and also to generate a sustainable yield for our customers.